We implement
your business solutions
with open source.
We implement
your business solutions
with open source.
Your way to success
in 3 simple steps
Process analysis and consulting
You are looking for a solution to simplify your business processes? You have several different systems that should be integrated into one in order to increase the efficiency and productivtiy of your business? We create the solution you really need in personal meetings and workshops.
Iterative Implementation
We implement an all-in-one business solution for your company based on the open source software Odoo and integrate external systems as needed. We work in manageable steps and feature packages in order to get you a working system as fast as possible!
Completion and Deployment
We provide managed hosting for your new application services and take care of all the tedious technical details for you.
We help to migrate data from your legacy systems and provide training for your employees to make your business even better.
Global Aid Network Odoo based Logistics Solution now live in three Countries
Nach dem Start der deutschen Implementierung Ende 2023 und der schweizerischen im Juli 2024 hat GAiN jetzt erfolgreich die dritte [...]
Odoo vermieten – Rental Vertical
Das Vermieten mobiler Gegenstände oder Geräte hat in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen, weil sich in vielen [...]
Task and Project Management in Odoo
Mit der Projektverwaltung von Odoo können nicht nur die vom Kunden in Auftrag gegebenen Projekte organisiert werden. Auch alle internen [...]