Odoo Redmine Connector

Integrate your Redmine projects with Odoo

Many companies use issue and task tracking for process control and to document all tasks and actions taken. Odoo features its own project management app which manages tasks and timesheets. If you interact with customers using their own tools or own a host of existing tracking systems, connecting these via standard interfaces to Odoo may be a viable solution. We offer a solution for the integration of Redmine projects, which is a widely used open source solution for issue tracking.

Our Redmine connector maps Redmine projects to Odoo projects and Redmine issues to Odoo project tasks. Synchronization can be performed manually or based on predefined schedules ensuring that project progress is visible in Odoo. As lots of attributes are transferred to their Odoo counterparts, reporting, billing and accounting can be performed in Odoo, integrating as many external projects and Redmine installations as needed.

  • Mapping of Redmine projects to Odoo projects

  • Mapping of Redmine issues to Odoo projects tasks

  • Mapping of Redmine work hours to Odoo timesheets

  • Manual and scheduled synchronisation

  • Overview of all Redmine projects from one or multiple Redmine installations in Odoo

  • Reporting and analytic accounting for all projects in Odoo

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Task and Project Management in Odoo

02.01.2020|Categories: Odoo|Tags: , , |

Mit der Projektverwaltung von Odoo können nicht nur die vom Kunden in Auftrag gegebenen Projekte organisiert werden. Auch alle internen Aufgaben eines Unternehmens können strukturiert abgebildet werden. Auf einem Blick [...]